Not so long ago, we would never have imagined being able to redefine the geometrics of an existing boat; bringing to bear the introduction of structural software and fluid dynamics solvers within an existing design cycle. The improvement of the technical capabilities of our computers and the increase in computational resources in terms of memory allows us to now perform dedicated fluid dynamic and structural analysis through the use of software such as Star-CCM + and Nastran.
Through this new design approach, the R&D department of the Filippi engineering division is able not only to create new concept models but also to optimize the hydrodynamic characteristics of existing boats.
Our engineers of the engineering division (new additions to the Filippi brand with credentials including degrees in Aerospace Engineering from the Laboratory of Applied Aerodynamics at the School of Engineering in Pisa, from which originate many professionals who now operate in Formula 1), are now sifting through the entire Filippi fleet, starting with the single boats.
In fact, their analysis recently focused on male senior models such as the F01, F07, F14 and on the F15 destined for men's lightweights.
Plus, some studies on the fin.
Effect of boat curvature on a fluid (STAR CCM+)
CFD analysis of the fin
What our engineering laboratory has discovered is a structural fluid iteration, initially applied to pre-existing models. In practice, after an initial “cleaning” of the CAD model and the subsequent generation of the calculation grid (mesh), we proceed with the setting of the simulation and its execution. Following a certain number of interactions between the fluid and structural dynamic, they meet in convergence.
This means that they obtain the extent of the interactions and therefore of the deformations which depend on the pressure and the speed of the water in different phases of the stroke (catch, drive, finish), as well as from the material with which the hull is formed.
The analysis of physical values such as power, lift and resistance will then lead to a potential optimization of the geometric surface of the hulls.
In practice, this enables athletes and their coaches to choose Filippi models, across our historical range of boat classes, and be comfortable in the knowledge that their selection will be well-founded in both the ever-increasing innovative capacity and efficiency focus of the Filippi engineering division.
Sample image of structured mesh for fluid dynamics analysis (STAR CCM+)